Purse Carry Resources

I’ve talked about purse carry on this page before briefly, but it’s been a while since we talked about this carry method. This is absolutely a subject that warrants discussion and education.

Purse carry, and off body carry in general, is really common. At first glance it can seem like an easy or convenient solution, but the truth is that when it’s done properly and given the attention it deserves, it is probably the most difficult and cumbersome method. That’s not to say that it’s never okay, but it’s important to know that purse carry is not the easy solution many assume it to be.

Here are some quick highlights on purse carry, but please go read the article I have linked above:

  1. The bag becomes a body part. You must never set it down

  2. Off-body carry requires you to violate social norms, which can make you feel pressure to set it down “just ths once”

  3. Off-body carry is usually measurably slower on the draw than on-body methods

  4. Purse carry limits your purse selection. Concealed carry purses must have very specific design features (these are outlined in the article). If this is a carry method you have used, plan to use, or use for special occasions, then I would encourage you to give this article a look and objectively evaluate the pros and cons. It might be more trouble than it’s worth.

Below are more helpful resources on this topic:


Everything I’m Carrying in 2024


Carrying in a dress | Part 2